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Visit BrightData

Vendor with the widest product portfolio and the largest Rotating Residential nodes pool.

It has received the πŸ† the Biggest poll holder award in our Autumn 2024 review.

General Information​

Country Israel
Proxy productsRotating Residential, Mobile, ISP, Datacenter
Scraping APIWEB Unlocker, WEB Scraper, SERP API
Scraping InfraManageed WEB browsers, Serverless Functions
DatasetsMany top sites
Client side toolsProxy Browser Extension, Proxy Manager
Price rangeπŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ High market
Payment methodsPayPal, AliPay, Payoneer, Credit Card, Wire transfer, Amazon Marketplace
Client complianceKYC for Residential proxy + Interview
Buisness compliance and certsSOC2, SOC3, ISO 27001, GDPR, CSA STAR
SocialLinkedin, Discord: ErnApp, Github
Company size201-500 employees, 1,230 associated members


Started as a division of Hola VPN company in 2014, gained a high-quality Residential IP pool much earlier than other players, and started dominating the rotating residental proxy market.

Since that time created the majority of the products in the Data Scrapping industry and developed enterprise-grade products, service quality, security compliance, and prices.

Also, well known because of the amount of law suites and patents. You can find at least 14 patents registered for Ofer Vilenski and Derry Shribman and lawsuits against other proxy providers like Oxy Labs and others. It should also be noted that Bright Data "fights" for Public Data availability versus Meta(formerly Facebook) and X(formerly Twitter).

Proxy / Rotating Residential​


I was testing Brigt Data Rotating Residential proxy product sending requests via reseller servers. So, measured latency and technical Success rate are probably worse than they are.


Bright Data has more than 401K unique residental IPs, slightly more than 25% of the proven US rotating Residential pool overall. 58% of IPs that you will get using the Brigth Dat Rotating Resid product will be totally unique among all vendors.

  • Germany(DE) 27K unique IPs
  • United Kingdom(GB) 91K unique IPs
  • France(FR) 26K unique IPs


93% of IPs gathered during the US test were residential and 99.97% of IPs were IPv4. With a 90% probability, you will see the first byte of the target resource response in 1.5 seconds with a technical success rate of 98.5%.


  • 69 GB - 7.14 USD per GB
  • 158 FB - 6.3 USD per GB
  • 339 FB - 5.88 USD per GB